I have been a bit busy at work these past few weeks and have not had a chance to update my blog! So this entry will hopefully catch everyone up on recent happenings!

Grace came over for a cousins sleepover a couple weeks back. We had a lot of fun too. The kids made their own pizza's, played outside, played with the Mojo, watched the movie "Hotel for Dogs" and then slept in the family room. The next morning we had a pancake breakfast and Grace, who was worn out, layed with Scott while he played video games in the basement. I don't understand why every time I take my children's pictures these days that they insist on opening their mouths!
My nephew, Randy, graduated from preschool! He's in the back row, on the end, closest to us. (Sorry the picture is so bad - I left my camera in the truck and only had my Iphone to take the photo with). The graduation program was really cute and Randy made us so proud when he was asked to hold the flag for the pledge of allegiance!