Since it was too cold to play outside and the kids had been stuck in the house from snow days last Thursday and Friday, we decided to go to the movies. We invited my Mom and my 4 (almost 5) year old nephew Randy to go with. When we called to ask if he wanted to go, we found out he had never been to the movies before. So we made it a special event! The movie "Hotel for Dogs". Cute movie that actually had a story line - wow, what a nice surprise. We were first in line to get our seats for the movie. The line was so long that it had to continue on the other side of the hall. Randy was a trooper. He never complained while we waited and seemed to have a great time. We sat in the front row of the main seating area, right in the middle! Great view. Randy stated "The screen's not so big" after we sat him in booster so he could sit higher. L.O.L.!!! He also wanted to know why so many little kids kept getting up and walking around! He thought they needed to sit down and watch the movie.

When the movie was over, I asked a Theater manager if they had any posters of the movie we just saw, for my first time movie going nephew. The manager asked me to go over to customer service and wait just a moment. We did and he came out and gave Randy a full size poster of the movie "Hotel for Dogs". It was so much fun sharing this experience with Randy.
What??...Randy has never been to the movies! Is Paula keeping him sheltered?
I was surprised too, but Paula has never taken him. He has a big screen TV at home so that was exciting enough for him! Oh and regards to being sheltered, trust me, he's not sheltered. Remember he's Paula's son. Living life large just like her!!! LOL!
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