Math these days is a little different from when I was in school. Scott drew this Fred Flinstone in Math class! Yep, MATH not Art ? It was a graph assignment (?). Whatever, it is still a cool piece of art.
Annabelle and Mojo are best buds these days. They are usually together all the time!
WOW that's a biggggg math project...do you think we would have done this in Mr. Butler's class?
I don't know, Mr. Butler did think outside the box. It seems more like a Mrs. Heintz art project to me. I don't see how this drawing project is going to help my son get into Harvard math??? LOL!!
Do you remember when I spilled Mr. Butler's coffee all over his desk?...and if you remember his desk...you know that wasn't good!
I remember him coming to school one day with his shirt on inside out!
No, I don't remember you spilling his coffee, but I do remember his very paper, piled high, mess of a desk! No not good.
Really, his shirt was inside out? It must of been a really bad morning. You would think his fellow teachers would have told him. Knowing him, it was a psych test of some kind.
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