Tuesday, August 10, 2010


If you never want to hear your kid say "There's nothing to do", sign them up for football. Since August 2nd, our life has been football everyday. Just like work is daily, it should be no big deal but football doesn't always stick to it's schedule - and if it rains it throws it off even more! If you know me, you know I'm having a bit of a hard time adjusting to the flexibility of time. Last minute time changes is not my cup of tea and I like dinner time with the whole family.

This being said, Scott is enjoying the sport so far. This is his first year playing organized football. He likes playing street football with his friends so he decided to join and wouldn't you know it, none of his friends are on his team, bummer!
The picture with his helmet is his practice uniform and the other is his Game Day uniform. You would think with all this fancy stuff he was in the NFL. Team pictures were Sunday, I'm guessing they schedule these right away so the kids don't look beat up before the season starts. In the first week of practice Scott dropped 5 lbs. I should have did the practices with him!
To make things more exciting I volunteered to be Homecoming Chairman. I thought this was a great idea since you must volunteer and homecoming was scheduled for the last weekend in August. This way it would be out of the way for when I start my classes for Fall semester. WRONG!!! Homecoming was rescheduled for the end of September. Another plan failed. Oh well, I meet with my committee tonight and hope we can get organized before the chaos of school begins. We all start August 23rd.


~joanne said...

Get some rain gear....you know how football weather is!

Way to show your support..homecoming chairperson!

Anonymous said...

Oh, my! Scott playing serious football and you being chair of an event that won't be over with any time soon! At least you have a sense of humor about it!