Sunday, November 27, 2011


Thanksgiving brings a lot of happy memories for me. In my lifetime I've learned a lot about being thankful, great food and humor. If you know my family, you know humor is what gets us through everything good and bad! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving.

This year we enjoyed the company of most of Mark's siblings and both his parents at our home.  Mark not only prepared stuffed Turkey but a stuffed pork roast. Everything was delicious. It was so great to have everyone bring a side dish for dinner. Awesome green beans in garlic, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, broccoli casseroles, cranberries, bakery rolls, buttered corn, and of course stuffing with gravy. For dessert we had some bakery pumpkin pie and pecan pie and we enjoyed a homemade French Silk pie and Apple pie made by Annabelle and myself. I wish we had a photo of those but trust me, they were good looking as well as tasty. Here is how how turkey and pork roast turned out.

Turkey resting before carving.

Pork Roast - yum!

After dinner. Sleepy nephew.
Brownie balls that Annabelle and I made in preparation for Thanksgiving. Sorry they didn't make it until Thursday, they were really good. Maybe we should not have taste tested. them.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Halloween After-Math.

Scott got a sword for Christmas last year from his Uncle Tony. Scott has swung the sword around quite a bit this summer but couldn't wait to slice into our Halloween pumpkins. Needless to say, he had some fun!

The soon to be victims awaiting their fate!

Scott showing no mercy!

I think he enjoyed this too much.

Not one stood a chance for survival.

May they rest in peace.

Halloween 2011

Our kids may be growing up but they still like carving pumpkins. We lucked out the weekend prior to Halloween and were able to carve outside. We all did our own thing and I think they turned out pretty cool. Mark was the only one who used a template. The rest of us just winged it. We had a lot of fun being creative.
Getting started.

My free-form face - Ooohhhh.

Mark Rock'n it!

Annabelle's skull face ghost!

Scott pirate!