Anyway, last week we had a new front door put on the house. Our old one had just a half moon window at the top and was painted red. We are trying to decide to leave it white or should we paint it red again?
Feng Shui, for those that are interested, states that a West (ours) facing door should be painted white for good chi. Red is fine as a general, but really best for south facing doors (which ours is not)
Any opinion on a color for the door? If you leave your comment on the blog - others can read it too!

I'm lovin' the door! We really need one too!
LOWE's - they install too!
Okay, I have a vote for red and a vote for white. It's a 50/50 draw at this point.
My first question would be, does it have to be painted? Is it just primed? My blue or choc. brown!...that really helps your voting!!
Oh duh...I thougth your house was white! Strike that from the record! I say red or burgundy...
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