Not much had really changed in town. A few more homes than when we lived there but nothing earth shattering. We drove down the long dirt road until we came to our old home. The first thing we noticed were the large storage buildings built on the property and that the driveway had been moved. All the plantings from when we lived there were large too!

Paula wanted me to walk up to the door and I said no since I didn't call first and to me it looked like no one was home. Well guess what? I was wrong. Mary went to the door and after doing her boogie dance (a must see) a lady answered the door. Lois Mathis, the woman who purchased the home from us answered. Paula came out of the truck and sobbing, asked if we could go around to see the back yard. Lois, kindly said come on in and see the house! We were floored when we went in. The basement is exactly the same. Nothing has changed accept for Mike's room. It now has an egress window and a pipe to exit radon. The fire stove was changed from wood burning to gas, but everything - carpet, our playroom with the chalk boards, the bookshelf secret door, is all the same. Upstairs, my bedroom was the same (and looked great), so was the main hall bath, minus the carpeting. The kitchen was remodeled and has no table just a tall island. Some door openings were changed and all the dark woodwork was painted white, even the mantle Dad had made. No more cave walls in the parents room. There was a sweet addition added to the house. A three season room over the patio area. It was really nice.

Sorry I don't have more pictures. I was taking it in, speaking with Lois and her husband, while watching my kids. Plus even though I asked if I could take pictures - it felt weird since it's not our home.
The back yard looked great. Some rows of bushes removed and no more rose bushes, but the clementis my Dad planted 25+ years ago was still there! Of course the windows, roof and siding has all been updated. The well was redug 5 years ago since our original one dried up, but Lois and her husband Paul were so nice. They were glad to have us. It was so generous for them to open their home to us. We had a few tears and just felt great seeing the place.
Okay that is just freaky! Your bedroom is just the same! And the basement...a flash from the past! I'm assuming the red carpet/wallpaper in your D/M bedroom is gone....wasn't that what it was?
A lot of great times took place in that house. We had soooo much fun together. Thanx for sharing the pictures with us! Isn't it fun to reminisce with your kids about where you grew up! (of course, they aren't usually so impressed!)
I'm glad you went to the door and could see the house!
FREAKY - I felt like I was zapped back in time. Why after 22 years would you not change so many rooms??? That wallpaper in my room is 35 years old! The people were really nice though. I guess we had great taste. LOL. My parents cave room is gone. No more pokie walls or red carpet. Everything that they did change is more lite beige now.
Does Lance and Kathy still live next door??
They just moved to Battle Creek 2-3yrs ago. Shortly after Lances Dad died. They have a son now too. Which makes them a family of 5 just like you.
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