Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter II

I made my Mom's carrot cake recipe for Easter this year, but instead of cake I did cupcakes. They were so delicious! I only wish I had brought one to my Mom. I guess I will have to make another batch! The cupcakes are topped with a sugar glazed carrot shred. So yummy. This is a picture of the tray my sister-in-law, Dana had for the sweet delights. It made them look even better. Of course, this was taken after we had eaten many already, so you'll have to imagine it full!

Hope you all had a very good Easter. Maybe spring will come now that the holiday is behind us!


Anonymous said...

Bellisimo job! You'll be interested to know that Rich often bakes carrot cake for different functions -- such as auctions. And though he uses your mother's terrific recipe, he pawns them off as his cakes. - n

~joanne said...

love love love carrot cake!!!