Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween II

Saturday night was party night for the kids and adults. Grandma took all 5 younger grandkids for a party and sleepover! While all us adults went to my sister Paula's home for a great Halloween party. Grandma had many fun activities planned for the kids. They had a blast!

Mark went to the party as Michael Myer from the movie Halloween. I don't have a picture at this time, (Paula please send!) but he won for scariest costume! Pretty cool, he got a trophy too! I was Lori from the movie. Not so scary, although the 70's hair and make-up did frighten me. There were a lot of great costumes and a lot of cleaver people.

1 comment:

~joanne said...

YEH!!...for Grandmas....they are the best!

Can't wait to see your pictures!