Wednesday, March 4, 2009


My kids are very bright, but at times I realize that I've sheltered them too much. Take today for instance. My kids were taking the ISAT's at school and the school waived the "No gum" policy for these tests. The theory is, that kids concentrate better when taking a test if they are chewing gum. Why they don't let them chew gum for all their learning then is beyond me. Anyway, my kids asked me to buy them some gum before going to school. I decided I would allow it, even though I'm against gum chewing after seeing my sister suffer with TMJ and the surgeries that went along with it. So I picked up a pack of Extra gum for each of them. Mind you, each pack has 15 pieces in it.

Later in the day, I went and picked the kids up from school and guess what I heard on the way home? "Mom, we need some more gum for tomorrow's testing". I was not really surprised, since I assumed they gave some to friends. Well, the some was three pieces and the rest.... well chewed by them. Since my kids have only chewed gum one other time. Yes, I said one other time. They didn't understand the concept of chewing a piece of gum for a fair amount of time before disgarding it. Thankfully they remembered the disgarding part!!!

I guess they really have been sheltered!


~joanne said...

One time? Come on have got to be kidding me...please say yes.

Tyler doesn't like gum so he never chews it. Now, Troy and Trent are another story....they would be non-stop if I let them!

Vicki said...

Seriously, my children only tried gum one other time. However, they really seemed to like it yesterday. We will see where this leads.

Okay, how about this one. My kids don't like soda pop. They do not like the carbonated fizz. They prefer to order milk at restaurants and salads! Either they are weird or I did a fine job raising them!!

~joanne said...

What are you raising 'super children'?

Anonymous said...

don't sweat the small stuff, its just gum.