Thursday, May 6, 2010

Who knew addition!

So when the kids cleaned their rooms, they did their closets too! Scott even labeled the drawers under his desk, so he would keep it organized! The kids are at a great age. They are always thinking and sharing their thinking processes. It's neat to experience them a individuals, because they process information very differently and find their own path to the same end result. It's fascinating to me!

Of course, now that I see the two closets in photos, I just realized that Scott still has the access panel to the attic painted like a window from when they were kids and the smaller closet was "Arthur's Tree House". Yes, the area that is now his desk was once a double wide closet like Annabelle's but boys don't need so much closet space so we made it into a desk area. It works out great for homework but especially for Lego building!

Here's our pile of stuff to get ride of. We had hoped to add our things to Aunt Paula's garage sale, but we may not be able to make the date. Looks like we might have to have our own mini-one!


~joanne said...

Okay, I safely say..I am soo jealous!

Even if we did clean it like that...not sure it would stay that way!

Way to go Scott & (mostly)!

Anonymous said...

You know what I think? Those kids of yours should pitch a TV show where they teach kids how to clean and organize their rooms! Hey, there's shows for adults. Why not the kids? And your kids are so darling, not to mention photogenic, intelligent, etc.
Auntie N