Monday, December 1, 2008

December 1, 2008

Right on time - the snow has arrived the first day of December! Scott and Annabelle were very excited. So excited that yes they are out in their PJ's before getting showered for school this morning. A little too early for me to play in the snow.
We are not sure the date of Mojo's birth but we are pretty sure this is his first winter. He didn't seem like he liked going out until the kids joined him. Now he sees how much fun it is to play in the snow.


~joanne said...

Oh come on Vicki...go out tomorrow morning and play with them!

They apparently had school? Our kids did but some area schools were closed!

Vicki said...

No morning snow romping for me. Again this morning they were out. As long as they are ready for school in time, I don't mind. As for me. I like the warmth of a home in the mornings!

It take a lot to get our school district to close for a snow day. As it is, they have too many days off during the year for "School improvement day" and the whole week of Thanksgiving! I don't get that one. The kids have three (hard to believe) full weeks of school then they are off for two for Christmas and New Year's.

~joanne said...

Oh come outside the box!

(I probably wouldn't go out either!!...we're getting old!)

~joanne said...

lovin your template!! Very nice...

Vicki said...

Inspired by you! Thanks.