Friday, December 19, 2008

Ice Storm

We did not get all the snow predicted and I have to say I was amazed that we did not have a snow day. The school only had one set of doors accessible - so instead of the call of no school, we got the call to have all students enter the school on the east side. The only no slope entrance! The kids were disappointed but it's not like they are at school learning today. It's an early dismissal day and holiday parties. I expressed to the kids, better to go and have fun today and not stay an extra day at the end of the school year!
Below are some pictures I took this morning taking the kids to school. The roads were slush!
The birch tree on our side yard was so heavy from all the ice that it's actually touching the ground. Let's hope it holds up and doesn't crack! I like this tree.
These are pictures from the tree in front of our house. I thought the branches were so pretty.


~joanne said...

You got ice...we got snow!

Can you go out and de-ice your tree with your hairdryer...just a thought. I'm a true cosmetologist!!

Vicki said...

Good thought. I like the way your mind thinks! I wonder how long my hairdryer would last if I did this?I did asked for a new one for Christmas, hopefully Santa remembered. I think I'll just pray that Mother Nature is kind to this tree.